March 23, 2020
What a strange world we’ve all entered. Many of us are now shifting into week two of work from home, and that presents some new challenges for pet owners. I hope you are well and coping. Here are some helpful links to help you keep your dogs happy and occupied. If you are truly having difficulty in the event of illness or quarantine, I’ve included some links to helpful businesses offering discounted services. Anyone with a new PUPPY will also have some important things to consider, and for that, I’ve included a brilliant video with great advice.
Rachel Lane of Leash and Learn was so kind to include my photos in an earlier blog post. I wanted to point out her wonderful blog article with tips for keeping your dog stimulated with homemade puzzle toys. If you’ve got kids at home, this might be something they could help implement (keep them all busy!). Check it out here:
Leash and Learn is also holding a five day tricks training class online, which is a brilliant idea! It runs March 25 to 29 every evening at 6pm (EST). Rachel will show you how to do three tricks each night, give feedback after you try with your dog, and will forward a video of the tricks after the class. Email Rachel at
If you are trying to WFH and your energetic dog needs a blast of activity, Uberdog Inc. has introduced a new service: 3-HOUR ROMPS everyday in their private park for just $30 and FULL-DAY Adventures at our Ranch out in the country for $55, Mondays and Thursdays. Pickup and Delivery is free during this period.
If you are a healthcare worker or essential services worker, Dogs At Camp are providing dog care at “lower, minimal, or no cost, depending on your needs” and their space. When you email them, “simply let us know what kind of work you do, and how we can help”. Here is a link to their announcement on Instagram:
And finally, if you have a new puppy at home, here is Kristina of Hairy Tales in Toronto with a PSA on how to navigate this crucial period of a puppy’s development in the age of COVID and Working From Home. Socialization and crate training are keys to avoiding problems later and this video is really worth a listen. Kristina also offers Skype sessions to help you with any training issues. We are so lucky to be so connected in this weird time.
Be Safe. Ask for help. Offer help. Connect! (virtually!) And to Health Care and Essential Services Workers: THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all that you are doing. It is such a weird disconnect to carry out my civic duty of staying at home while you work hard to keep us safe, healthy, and fed. THANK YOU.
© Jacqui Jensen-Roy 2024• Soul Puppy Photo • Squamish | Denman Island, BC